*Contract Report, distribution subject to client approval.- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, K.H. Ominski et al. 2014. Recent changes in practices on beef farms in Canada. (in preparation).
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, K.H. Ominski et al. 2014. Beef cattle husbandry practices across ecoregions in Canada in 2012. (in preparation).
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman. 2014. Ammonia emissions per unit meat, milk, egg, protein, calorie and dollar value. (in preparation).
- S. Bittman, D. I. Massé, E. Pattey, M. Cournoyer, G. Qiu, A. Narjoux, S.C. Sheppard, A. VanderZaag. 2014. Effects of Agriculture on Air Quality in Canada, In: Taylor and McMillan (eds), Air Quality Management – Canadian Perspectives on a Global Issue. Chapter 11, pages 237-260, Springer
- N.A. Beresford, N.A., D. Copplestone, A. Hosseini, J.E. Brown, M. Johansen, G. Hirth, S. Sheppard, E. Dagher, T. Yankovich, S. Uchida, J. Napier, M. Muikku, C. Wells, B.J. Howard, C.L. Barnett, M.D. Wood. 2014. Recent development of wildlife transfer databases. ICRER 2014 - 3rd International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity, Environmental radioactivity, 7-12 September 2014 - Barcelona, Spain
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman. 2013. Estimated net application of ammoniacal and organic N from manure, and potential for mitigating losses of ammonia in Canada. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 171: 90-102.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2013. Transfer factors to Whitetail deer: comparison of stomach-content, plant-sample and soil-sample concentrations as the denominator. J. Environ. Rad. 126: 434-437
- Sohlenius, G., Saetre, P., Nordén, S., Grolander, S. and , S. Sheppard. 2013. Inferences about radionuclide mobility in soils based on the solid/liquid partition coefficients and soil properties. Ambio:42(4):414-24.
- Bittman, S. and S.C. Sheppard. 2013. Ammonia emissions in Canada. Book Chapter (submitted).
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman. 2012. Farm practices as they affect NH3 emissions from beef cattle. Can. J. Animal Sci. 92: 525-543.
- Sheppard, S.C., 2012. Editorial – An accusation of plagiarism. J. Environ. Rad. 105: 88.
- Sheppard, S.C. and B. Sanipelli. 2012. Trace elements in feed, manure and manured soils. J. Environ. Qual. 41: 1846-1856.
- Sheppard, S.C. and M. Herod. 2012. Variation in background concentrations and specific activities of 36Cl, 129I and U/Th-series radionuclides in surface waters. J. Environ. Rad. 106: 27-34.
- Sheppard, S.C. and G.L. Stephenson. 2012. Ecotoxicity of aged uranium in soil using plant, earthworm and microarthropod toxicity tests. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxic. 88: 43-47.
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, M.L. Swift and J. Tait. 2011. Modelling monthly NH3 emissions from dairy in 12 Ecoregions of Canada. Can. J. Animal Sci. 91: 649-661.
- *Sheppard, S.C. 2011. What to do and what not to do about phosphorus in Agro Manitoba – the science. Report to the Manitoba Pork Council, Winnipeg.
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, M.L. Swift, M. Beaulieu and M.I. Sheppard. 2011. Ecoregion and farm size differences in dairy feed and manure nitrogen management: a survey. Can. J. Animal Sci. 91: 459-473.
- *Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard and B. Sanipelli. 2011. Review of Environmental Radioactivity in Canada. Nuclear Waste Management Organization, TR-2011-17, Toronto, Canada
- *Sheppard, S.C. and B. Sanipelli. 2011. Environmental Radioactivity in Canada – Measurements. Nuclear Waste Management Organization, TR-2011-16, Toronto, Canada
- Sheppard, S.C., et al. 2011. Solid/liquid partition coefficients (Kd) and plant/soil concentration ratios (CR) for selected soils, tills and sediments at Forsmark. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB), Stockholm, Sweden, Report R-11-24
- Sheppard, S.C. and S. Bittman. 2011. Farm survey used to guide estimates of nitrogen intake and ammonia emissions for beef cattle, including early season grazing and piosphere effects. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 166-167: 688-698.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2011. Robust prediction of Kd from soil properties for environmental assessment. Human Ecol. Risk Assess. 17: 263-279.
- Sheppard, S.C., J.M. Long and B. Sanipelli. 2010. Verification of radionuclide transfer factors to domestic-animal food products, using indigenous elements and with emphasis on iodine. J. Environ. Rad. 101: 895-901.
- Sheppard, S.C., J.M. Long and B. Sanipelli. 2010. Measured elemental transfer factors for boreal hunter/gatherer scenarios: fish, game and berries. J. Environ. Rad. 101: 902-909.
- Sheppard, S.C., J.M. Long and B. Sanipelli. 2010. Plant/soil concentration ratios for paired field and garden crops, with emphasis on iodine and the role of soil adhesion. J. Environ. Rad. 101: 1032-1037.
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, M.-L. Swift and J. Tait. 2010. Farm practices survey and modeling to estimate monthly NH3 emissions from swine production in 12 Ecoregions of Canada. Can. J. Animal Sci. 90: 145-158.
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman and T.W. Bruulsema. 2010. Monthly ammonia emissions from fertilizers in 12 Canadian Ecoregions. Can. J. Soil Sci. 90: 113-127.
- Sheppard, S.C., C.A. Grant and C.F. Drury. 2009. Trace elements in Ontario soils – mobility, concentration profiles, and evidence of non-point-source pollution. Can. J. Soil Sci. 89: 489-499.
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman and J. Tait. 2009. Monthly NH3 emissions from poultry in 12 Ecoregions of Canada. Can. J. Animal Sci. 89: 21-35.
- Sheppard, S.C., J. Long and B. Sanipelli. 2009. Field measurements of the transfer factors for iodine and other trace elements. Nuclear Waste Management Organization, TR-2009-35, Toronto, Canada
- Sheppard, S.C., S. Bittman, M. Beaulieu and M.I. Sheppard. 2009. Ecoregion and farm-size differences in feed and manure nitrogen management: 1. Survey methods and results for poultry. Can. J. Animal Sci. 89: 1-19.
- Sheppard, S.C., C.A. Grant. M.I. Sheppard, R. de Jong and J. Long. 2009. Risk indicator for agricultural inputs of trace elements to Canadian soils. J. Environ. Qual. 38(3): 919-932.
- Sheppard, S.C., P. Chapman and E. Nieboer. 2008. How can research contribute to risk assessment? Invited paper, Learned Discourses, Integrated Environ. Assess. and Management 4: 3-5.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2008. Critical loads changing with time. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 14: 439-454.
- Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard, M. Ilin, J.C. Tait, and B.L. Sanipelli. 2008. Primordial radionuclides in Canadian background sites: secular equilibrium and isotopic differences. J. Environ. Radioactivity 99: 933-946.
- Bréchignac, F., Alexakhin, R., Godoy, J.M., Oughton, D., Sheppard, S. and P. Strand. 2008. Integrating environment protection, a new challenge: strategy of the International Union of Radioecology. Radioprotection 43: 339-356.
- Sheppard, S.C. and J.A. Addison. 2008. Soil sample handling and storage. Chapter 4, Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, Second Edition, Canadian Society of Soil Science, CRC Press of the Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, pages 39-49.
- *Sheppard, M.I. and S.C. Sheppard. 2008. Volatilization of selenium: factors affecting the rate of volatilization. Technical Memo, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Toronto, Canada.
- *Sheppard, S.C., J. Long, B. Sanipelli and G. Sohlenius. 2008. Solid/liquid partition coefficients (Kd) for selected soils and sediments at Forsmark and Simpevarp. Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB), Stockholm, Sweden.
- Sheppard, S.C., R. De Jong, M.I. Sheppard and S. Bittman. 2007. Estimation of ammonia emission episodes for a national inventory using a farmer survey and probable number of field working days. Can. J Soil Sci. 87: 301-313.
- Sheppard, S.C., Bittman, S., Tait, J., Sommer, S.G. and J. Webb. 2007. Sensitivity analysis of alternative model structures for an indicator of ammonia emissions from agriculture. Can. J. Soil Science 87: 129-139.
- Grant, C.A. and S.C. Sheppard. 2008. Fertilizer impacts on cadmium availability in agricultural soils and crops. Human Ecol. Risk Assess. 14(2): 210-228.
- Lofts, S., P.M. Chapman, R. Dwyer, M.J. McLaughlin, I., Schoeters, S.C. Sheppard, et al. 2007. Critical loads of metals and other trace elements to terrestrial environments. Environ. Sci. Techn. 41: 6326-6331.
- Sheppard, M.I., Sheppard, S.C. and C.A. Grant. 2007. Solid/liquid partition coefficients to model trace element critical loads for agricultural soils in Canada. Can. J. Soil Sci. 87: 189-201.
- Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., Long, J., Sanipelli, B. and J. Tait. 2006. Runoff phosphorus retention in vegetated field margins on flat landscapes. Can. J. Soil Sci. 86: 871-884.
- Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard and F. Siclet. 2006. Parameterization of a dynamic specific activity model of 14C transfer from surface water to humans. J. of Environ. Radioactivity, 87: 15-31.
- Sheppard, S.C., P. Ciffroy, F. Siclet, C. Damois, M.I. Sheppard and M. Stephenson. 2006. Conceptual approaches for the development of dynamic specific activity models of 14C transfer from surface water to humans. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 87: 32-51.
- Whicker, F.W., K. Bunzl, P. Dixon, E.M. Scott, S.C. Sheppard and G. Voigt. 2006. Sampling for radionuclides in the environment. Journal of the ICRU 6(1), Report 75, 93 pages.
- Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard and C. Grant. 2006. Critical loading of trace elements on agricultural land in Canada. SETAC Europe 16th Annual Meeting, May 7-11, 2006, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard, J.C. Tait, and B.L. Sanipelli. 2006. Revision and meta analysis of selected biosphere parameter values for chlorine, iodine, neptunium, radium, radon and uranium. J. Environ. Radioactivity 89: 115-137.
- D.M. LeNeveu, F.B. Walton, J.C. Tait, M.I. Sheppard and K. Haug (AGS-AEUB). 2006.The Role of the Upper Geosphere in Mitigating CO2 Surface Releases in Wellbore Leakage Scenarios. Fifth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration, May 8-11, 2006, Alexandria, Virginia.
- Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., Sanipelli, B., Gallerand, M. O. and J. Long. 2005. Ecotoxicological probable-no-effect concentrations for elements related to nuclear waste. Invited Review - Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology 11(3): 115-136.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2005. Assessment of long-term fate of metals in soils: Inferences from analogues. Can. J. Soil Sci., 85: 1-18.
- C.A. Grant, S.C. Sheppard, M.I. Sheppard and J.C. Tait. 2005. Trace Elements. In: A. Lefebvre, W. Eilers and B. Chunn (Eds.), Environmental Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture. Agri-Environmental Indicator Report Series. Report #2. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Complete Report
- S.C. Sheppard, S.Bittman and J.C. Tait. 2005. Ammonia. In: A. Lefebvre, W. Eilers and B. Chunn (Eds.), Environmental Sustainability of Canadian Agriculture. Agri-Environmental Indicator Report Series. Report #2. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, Ontario. Complete Report
- Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard, M. Ilin and P. Thompson. 2005. Soil-to-plant transfers of uranium series radionuclides in natural and contaminated settings. Radioprotection, Suppl. 1, 40: S253-S259.
- Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard, M.-O. Gallerand, and B. Sanipelli. 2005. Derivation of ecotoxicity thresholds for uranium. J. of Environ. Radioactivity, 79: 55-83.
- Sheppard, M.I., J. Tait, B.L. Sanipelli and S.C. Sheppard. 2005. Recommended biosphere model values for radium and radon. Ontario Power Generation Report No: 06819-REP-01200-10144-R00. Toronto, Canada.
- Sheppard, M.I., S.C. Sheppard and B.L. Sanipelli. 2005. Recommended biosphere model values for uranium. Ontario Power Generation Report No: 06819-REP-01200-10088-R00. Toronto, Canada.
- Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., Dowsley, B., Stephenson, G., Sanipelli, B.L., Feisthauer, N., Rowland, R. and M.-K. Gilbertson. 2004. Uranium Concentrations in Port Hope Soils and Vegetation and Toxicological Effect on Soil Organisms. 2004. Contract 87055-01-0266-R161.1 for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
- F.B. Walton, J.C. Tait, D. LeNeveu and M.I. Sheppard. 2004. Geological Storage of CO2: A Statistical Approach to Assessing Performance and Risk. In: E.S.Rubin, D.W.Keith and C.F.Gilboy (Eds.), Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Sept 5-9, 2004, Vancouver, Canada. Volume 1: Peer-Reviewed Papers and Plenary Presentations, IEA Greenhouse Gas Programme, Cheltenham, UK.
- *Recommended biosphere model values for neptunium. 2004.
- Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard. B. Sanipelli, B. Dowsley, G. Stephenson, N. Feisthauer, R. Rowland and M.-K. Gilbertson. 2004. Uranium concentrations in Port Hope soils and vegetation and toxicological effect on soil organisms. Report RSP-0175, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
- Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard, B. Sanipelli and J. Tait. 2004. Background radionuclide concentrations in major environmental compartments of natural terrestrial ecosystems. Report RSP-0183, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Ottawa.
- *Recommended biosphere model values for chlorine. 2003.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2003. Interpolation of solid/liquid partition coefficients, Kd, for iodine in soils. J. of Environ. Radioactivity, 70: 21-27.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2003. 4.1 Status of Biosphere Research related to High-level Radioactive Waste Management (HLRWM). NWMO Background Paper, 4. Science and Environment, Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Toronto, Ontario.
- Doyle, P.J., Gutzman, D.W., Bird, G.A., Sheppard, M.I., Sheppard, S.C. and D. Hrebenyk. 2003. An ecological risk assessment of air emissions of trace metals from copper and zinc production facilities. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 9(2): 607-636. Abstract available on-line.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2003. An index of radioecology, what has been important? J. of Environ. Radioactivity, 68: 1-10. Abstract available on-line.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2003. Interpolation of solid/liquid partition coefficients, Kd, for iodine in soils. J. of Environ. Radioactivity, 70: 21-27. Abstract available on-line.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2003. Transfer parameters – when do we know enough. Keynote presentation, Intl. Symp. Radioecology and Environmental Dosimetry, Rokkasho, Japan, October 22-24, pages 3-12
- Sheppard, S.C. 2003. Health physics and radioecology. Japanese J. of Health Phys. 38:275-276.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2003. Who gets to be an author … fallout from a recent controversy. J. Environ. Radioactivity 68:89-91.
- Sheppard, S.C., M.I. Sheppard, D. Lenevue and J. Tait. 2002. Review of nutrient loading and soil erosion models and validation of the nutrient loading model (NLM) for phosphorus. Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative and Agriculture Research and Development Initiative. Project MLMMI 01-01-04, ARDI 100-439.
- Malley, D.F., C. McClure, P.D. Martin, N. Firlotte, G. Goldsborough and M. Sheppard. 2002. Evaluation of Near-infrared Spectroscopy as a Rapid Method for Estimating the Carbon Stored per Unit Area in a Wetland. Final Report to the Manitoba Climate Change Action Fund on Project #15. PDK Projects, Inc.
- *Recommended biosphere model values for iodine. 2002.
- Sheppard, M.I. and S.C. Sheppard. 2002. Solid-liquid partition coefficients, Kds: what's the value and when does it matter? Proceedings Volume 1 of the International Congress, France, September 3-7, 2001. Radioprotection - Colloques, 37(C1): 225-229
- Sheppard, S.C. 2002. Three approaches to define the ecotoxicity threshold for atmospheric ammonia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 82 (3): 341-354. Abstract available on-line.
- Bird, G.A., P.A. Thompson, C.R. Macdonald and S.C. Sheppard. 2002. Ecological risk assessment approach for the regulatory assessment of the effects of radionuclides released from nuclear facilities. IAEA Third International Symposium on the Protection of the Environment from Ionising Radiation, Darwin, Australia, July 22-26.
- Sheppard, S.C. 2001. Toxicants in the environment: bringing radioecology and ecotoxicology together. Invited paper, In: Radioactive Pollutants Impact on the Environment". F. Brechignac and B.J. Howard, Eds., pages 63-74, Institut de Protection et de Surete Nucleaire Collection, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, France.
- Whicker, F.W., K. Bunzl, P. Dixon, M. Scott, S. Sheppard and A. Voigt. 2001. Quantities, units and terms in radioecology. Journal of the ICRU, Volume 1, No. 2., 48 pp.
- Echevarria, G., M.I. Sheppard and J. Morel. 2001. Effect of pH on the sorption of uranium in soils. J. of Environ. Radioactivity, Vol 53: 257-264.
- Grant, C.A., Flaten, D.N., Tomasiewicz, D.J. and S.C. Sheppard. 2000. The importance of early season phosphorus nutrition. Can. J. Plant Sci., 81: 211-224.
- Sheppard, S.C., Klukas, M.H., and S.-R. Peterson. 2000. Two Dose-Estimation Models CSA-N288.1 and Nureg 1.109, 1.113 - Compared for Chronic Aquatic Releases from Nuclear Facilities. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report, AECL-12066.
- Sheppard, S.C., LeNeveu, D.M. and D. M. Wuschke. 2000. Scoping assessment of in-situ disposal of the Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD) reactor - Final report. Prepared for Atomic Energy of Canada Limited by ECOMatters Inc., Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada.
- Voigt, G., Scott, E.M., Bunzl, K., Dixon, P., Sheppard, S.C. and W.F. Whicker. 2000. Radionuclides in the Environment: Radiological quantities and sampling designs. Radiation Protection and Dosimetry 92: 55-57.
- Bird, G.A., Sheppard, M.I. and S.C. Sheppard. 1999. Effects characterization: Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and As. Report for Environment Canada addressing CEPA PSL2 assessments by ECOMatters Inc., Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1999. Effect of atmospheric ammonia on terrestrial plants - derivation of critical toxicity value. Report for Environment Canada addressing CEPA PSL2 assessments by ECOMatters Inc., Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1999. Soil microbial bioassays: quick and relevant but are they useful? Human and Ecol. Risk Assess. 5: 697-705.
- Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., and G.A. Bird. 1999. Critical load modelling: Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and As emitted by smelters and refineries. Report for Environment Canada addressing CEPA PSL2 assessments by ECOMatters Inc., Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada.
- Butler, A.P., J. Chen, A. Aguero, O. Edlund, M. Elert, G. Kirchner, W. Raskob and M. Sheppard. 1999. Performance assessment studies of models for water flow and radionuclide transport in vegetated soils using lysimeter data. J. of Environ. Readioactivity, Vol 42: 271-288.
- Elert, M., Butler, A., Chen, J., Dovlete, C., Konoplev, A., Golubenkov, A., Sheppard, M., Togowa, O. and T. Zeevart. 1999. Effects of model complexity on uncertainty estimates. J. Environ. Radioactivity (1998) Volume Date 1999 42 (2-3), 255-270.
- Sheppard, S. C. and W.G. Evenden. 1998. An approach to defining a control or diluent soil for ecotoxicity assays, In: "Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Seventh Volume, ASTM STP 1333", E. E. Little, A. J. DeLonay, and B. M. Greenberg, Eds., Pages 215-226, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1998.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1998. Geophagy: who eats soil and where do possible contaminants go? J. Environ. Geol. 33: 109-114.
- Sheppard, S.C., Bird, G.A. and M.I. Sheppard. 1998. Effect of radionuclides on plants. Report for Environment Canada addressing CEPA PSL2 assessments.
- *Canadian Shield information and databases and plan for future UFDP siting data acquisition.
- *Porous media moisture and solute (Cl and I) transport using time domain reflectometry.
- Sheppard, S.C., Evenden, W.G. and C.R. Macdonald. 1998. Variation among chlorine concentration ratios for native and agronomic plants. J. Environ. Radioactivity 43:65-76.
- *Assessment of non-radioactive contaminants for the sand trench disposal concept.
- Sheppard, S.C., Ticknor, K.V. and W.G. Evenden. 1998. Sorption of inorganic 14C on to calcite, montmorillonite and soil. Applied Geochem. 13: 43-47.
- Sheppard, S.C., Bembridge, J.D., Holmstrup, M. and L. Posthuma. (Editors). 1998. "Advances in earthworm ecotoxicology", SETAC Press.
- Bunzl, K., Desmet, G., Dixon, P., Scott, E.M., Sheppard, S., Voigt, G. and W. Whicker. 1998. Some perspectives on sampling of radionuclides in the environment: report on a workshop held on 'Sampling Radionuclides in the Environment' J. Environ. Radioactivity 43: 89-95.
- *Review of the bathtub effect and related processes in near-surface low-level waste disposal vaults.
- Evenden, W.G., Sheppard, S.C. and R.W.D. Killey. 1998. Carbon-14 and tritium in plants of a wetland containing contaminated groundwater. Appl. Geochem. 13: 17-21
- Sheppard, S.C. 1997. Toxicity testing using microcosms, In: "Soil Ecotoxicology", Bitton, G., Tarradellas, J. and D. Rossel. (eds), Chapter 13, Lewis Publishers.
- *Review of technical siting criteria for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste disposal facilities.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1997. Variation in transfer factors for stochastic models: soil-to-plant transfer. Health Phys. 72:727-733.
- *Supplement to the database of groundwater iodine, chlorine and carbon concentrations.
- Sheppard, S.C. and M. Motycka. 1997. Is the Akagare phenomenon important to iodine uptake by wild rice (Zizania aquatica)? J. Environ. Radioactivity 37: 339-353.
- Sheppard, S.C., Evenden W.G. and T.C. Cornwell. 1997. Depuration and uptake kinetics of I, Cs, Mn, Zn and Cd by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris in radiotracer-spiked litter. J. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 16:2106-2112 (reprinted in Advances in Earthworm Ecotoxicology, S.C. Sheppard et al. (eds), SETAC Press).
- *Second assessment of low- and intermediate-level waste disposal in the Michigan Basin.
- *Preliminary assessment of low- and intermediate-level waste disposal at Chalk River Laboratories: Biosphere model.
- *Second assessment of low- and intermediate-level waste disposal in the Michigan Basin.
- *Preliminary assessment of bedrock disposal of low- and intermediate-level waste disposal at the Chalk River Laboratories site: Performance assessment.
- M.I. Sheppard, D.E. Elrick and S.- R. Peterson. 1997. Review and performance of four models to assess the fate of radionuclides and heavy metals in surface soil. Can. Journal of Soil Science Vol. 77 No. 3, pp 333-344.
- Sheppard, M.I. and M. Stephenson. 1997. Critical evaluation of selective extraction methods for soils and sediments. Proceedings: Contaminated Soils, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris, France. May 15-19, 1995. Edited by R. Prost, pp.69-97.
- Elrick, D.E., Sheppard, M.I., Mermoud, A., and T. Monnier. 1997. An analysis of surface accumulation of previously distributed chemicals during steady-state evaporation. J. Environ. Qual. 26: 883-888.
- *The influence of the presence of sulphate on methanogenesis in the backfill of a Canadian nuclear fuel waste disposal vault: A laboratory study.
- *Microbial degradation of spent resins from CANDU reactors: Literature review and recommendations.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1996. Importance of chemical speciation of iodine in relation to dose estimates from 129I. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report, AECL-11669.
- *Discussion of the definition of critical group for post-closure assessment of nuclear fuel waste disposal.
- *Specific activity models in relation to BIOTRAC biosphere model.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1996. Progressive extraction method applied to isotopic exchange of 14C. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 27:3059-3071.
- *Soil-to-plant transfer of elements in natural versus agronomic settings.
- Sheppard, S.C. and C.R. Macdonald. 1996. Other impacts of soil-borne radionuclides (invited paper), In: "Improvement of Environ. Transfer Models and Parameters", Frissel, M.J., Brown, R.M. and S. Uchida. (eds), Pages 20-36. Promotion Comm. Nuclear Cross-Over Research, Tokyo, Japan.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1996. Progressive extraction method applied to isotopic exchange of carbon-14. Commun. of Soil Sci. and Plt. Anal. 27(18-20): 3059-3071.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1996. Retention of inorganic carbon-14 isotopic exchange in soils. J. of Environ. Qual., 25: 1153-1161.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1996. Disposal of 14C assessment results. Proc. Waste Management '96 (CD ROM), Feb 25 - 29, Tucson, Arizona.
- *Inventory and preliminary evaluation of databases and information systems for siting a used fuel disposal facility.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1996. Retention of inorganic 14C by isotopic exchange in soils. J. Environ. Qual. 25:1153-1161.
- Sheppard, S.C., Johnson, L.H., Goodwin, B.W., Tait, J.C., Wuschke, D.M. and C.C. Davison. 1996. Chlorine-36 in nuclear waste disposal: 1) Assessment results for used fuel with comparison to 129I and 14C. Waste Man. 16:607-614.
- Sheppard, S.C., L.H. Johnson, B.W. Goodwin, J.C. Tait, D.M. Wuschke and C.C. Davison. 1996. Chlorine-36 in nuclear waste disposal - Part 1. Assessment results for used fuel with comparison to 129I and 14C. Waste Man. 16:7 pp. 607-614.
- Amiro, B.D., Sheppard, S.C., Johnston, F.L., Evenden, W.G. and D.R. Harris. 1996. Burning radionuclide question: What happens to iodine, cesium and chlorine in biomass fires? Sci. Total Environ. 187:93-103.
- Amiro, B.D., Hawkins, J.L., Laverock, M.J. and S.C. Sheppard. 1996. The Field-Irradiator Gamma study: Fourteen years of irradiation of the boreal forest. Intl. Symp. Protection of the Natural Environ. Stockholm, 1996 May 20-24.
- Sheppard, M.I., Stroes-Gascoyne, S. and J.L. Hawkins. 1996. Microbial gas generation from candidate backfill for Canada's nuclear fuel waste disposal vault. Waste Management '96, February 26 to March 1, 1996, Tucson, AZ.
- Sheppard, M.I., Reid, J.A.K., Dolinar, G. and M. Stephens. 1996. Predicted human and environmental impacts resulting from contaminant migration into a temperate wetland". Waste Management '96, February 26 to March 1, 1996, Tucson, AZ.
- Sheppard, M.I., Hawkins, J.L. and P.A. Smith. 1996. Linearity of iodine sorption and sorption capacities for seven soils. J. of Environ. Qual., 25: 1261-1267.
- *Methodology for evaluating the credibility and reliability of models for environmental impact assessment.
- Sheppard, M.I. and M. Stephenson. 1996. Critical evaluation of selective extraction methods for soils and sediments. In: The Biogeochemistry of Trace Metals, R. Prost (Ed.).
- Sheppard, M.I. and S.C. Sheppard. 1996. "Soil science in the Canadian nuclear fuel waste management program" Geological Association of Canada's Symposium on Contribution to Geology by the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program, May 27-29, 1996, Winnipeg, MB.
- *Assessment of the impact of IRUS on Duke swamp.
- *Review and performance of four soil transport models and the consequences of their limitations for environmental impact assessment.
- Sheppard, M.I. 1996. "The Canadian Biosphere Program". Presented in the Plenary "Approaches to Understanding the Biosphere: The Final Link in Assessing Safety", at the 7th International High Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
- Sheppard, M.I. 1996. "Church Roofs and Deerlicks: Where Soil Science Meets Nuclear Physics!" ANDRA, Agence Nationale pour la gestion des Dechets Radioactifs and IPNL, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, University of Nancy, France.
- *Methane production rates from natural organics of glacial lake clay and granitic groundwater.
- Sheppard, M.I., Hawkins, J.L., Peterson, S.- R. and S.B. Russell. 1996. Simulation of radionuclide transport in soils: The effects of model structure and complexity. Proceedings: International Conference on Deep Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste. 1996 September 16-19, pp. 4-77 to 4-87.
- *Predictions of average moisture content and capillary rise of the candidate sand and clinoptilolite for the IRUS disposal concept.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1995. When does chemical toxicity of 129I become important? In: "Proc. Symp. Environ. Impact Radioactive Releases", Pages 837-838, Intl. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1995. Retention of inorganic 14C in surface soils. Proc. Waste Management '95 (CD ROM), Feb 26 - Mar 2, Tucson, Arizona.
- Richards, J.E., Bates, T.E. and S.C. Sheppard. 1995. Changes in the forms and distribution of soil phosphorus due to long-term corn production. Can. J. Soil Sci. 75: 311-318.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1995. Application of the International Union of Radioecologists soil-to-plant database to Canadian settings. Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Report, AECL-11474.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1995. A model to predict concentration enrichment of contaminants on soil adhering to plants and skin. Environ. Geochem. Health 17:13-20.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1995. Systematic identification of analytical indicators to measure soil load on plants for safety assessment purposes. Intl. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 59:239-252.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1995. Toxicity of soil iodine to terrestrial biota, with implications for 129I. J. Environ. Radioactivity 27: 99-116.
- Sheppard, S.C., Evenden W.G. and W.J. Schwartz. 1995. Ingested soil: bioavailability of sorbed lead, cadmium, cesium, iodine and mercury. J. Environ. Qual. 24:498-505.
- *Preliminary assessment of low- and intermediate-level waste disposal in the Michigan Basin: Performance assessment, SYVAC simulations.
- *Radiological Assessment of 36Cl in the Disposal of used CANDU Fuel.
- Sheppard, M.I., Thibault, D.H., McMurry, J. and P.A. Smith. 1995. "Factors affecting the soil sorption of iodine", Water, Air and Soil Pollution 83: 51-67.
- Sheppard, M.I., Hawkins, J.L. and P.A. Smith. 1995. Linearity of iodine sorption and sorption capacities for seven soils. J. of Environ. Qual. 25: 1261-1267.
- Sheppard, M.I., Hawkins, J.L. and D. Good. 1995. A biosphere model, experimental program and proposed landscape modeling approach for radionuclide transport from a deep underground source. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Bouyoucos Conference, May 1 to 3, 1995, Riverside, CA
- Sheppard, M.I., Amiro, B.D., Davis, P.A. and R. Zach. 1995. Continental glaciation and nuclear fuel waste disposal: Canada's approach and assessment of the impact on nuclide transport through the biosphere. J. of Ecol. Modelling 78: 249-265.5.
- Sheppard, M.I. and J.L. Hawkins. 1995. Iodine and microbial interactions in an organic soil. J. of Environ. Radioactivity 29: 91-109.
- *Strategy for modelling soil erosion and soil profile development in a landscape for environmental impact assessments.
- Sheppard, M.I. 1995. Animal licks' and ancient Danish churches: where soil physics meets nuclear physics! 20th Science for Educators Seminar, Chalk River, ON, April 29, 1995.
- Hawkins, J.L., Sheppard, M.I. and S.S. Jorgensen. 1995. Predicting soil lead migration: How can ancient church roofs help?. Sci. of the Tot. Environ. 166: 43-53.
- Elrick, D.E., Sheppard, M.I. and A. Nadler. 1995. Applications of the CDE to surface accumulation and leaching of chemicals during steady-state flow in variably saturated media. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Vadose Zone Conference, September, 1995, Davis, CA.
- Sheppard, M.I., Stephenson, M., Thomas, D.A., Reid, J.A.K., Thibault, D.H., Lacroix, M. and S. Ford. 1995. Aquatic-terrestrial partitioning of deep groundwater discharge using measured helium fluxes. Environ. Sci. & Technol. 29: 1713-1721.
- Sheppard, M.I., Thibault, D.H., Milton, G.M., Reid, J.A.K., Smith, P.A. and K. Stevens. 1995. Characterization of a suspected terrestrial deep groundwater discharge area on the Canadian Precambrian Shield. J. of Contaminant Hydrol. 18: 59-84.
- *Preliminary measurements of microbial gas generation from a glacial lake clay.
- Amiro, B.D. and S.C. Sheppard. 1994. Effects of ionizing radiation on the boreal forest: Canada's FIG experiment, with implications for radionuclides. Sci. Total Environ. 157:371-382.
- *Development of bioassay protocols for toxicants in soil.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1994. Parameter values to model the soil ingestion pathway. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 34: 27-44.
- Sheppard, S.C.and W.G. Evenden. 1994. Contaminant enrichment and properties of soil adhering to skin. J. Environ. Qual. 23:604-613.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1994. Simple whole-soil bioassay based on microarthropods. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 52: 95-101.
- Sheppard, S.C., Amiro, B.D., Sheppard, M.I., Stephenson, M. Zach, R. and G.A. Bird. 1994. "Carbon-14 in the biosphere: modelling and supporting research for the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program. Waste Management 14: 445-456.
- Zach, R., Amiro, B.D., Davis, P.A., Sheppard, S.C. and J.G. Szekely. 1994. Biosphere model for assessing doses from nuclear waste disposal. Sci. Total Environ. 156:217-234.
- Sheppard, M.I., Ewing, L.L. and J.L. Hawkins. 1994. Soil degassing of carbon-14 dioxide: Rates and factors. J. of Environ. Qual., 23: 461-468.
- Sheppard, M.I. and J.A.K. Reid. 1994. Wetlands, groundwater contaminants and impact assessments. Amer. Soc. of Agron., November 14-17, Seattle, WA.
- Ewing, L.L. and M.I. Sheppard. 1994. A microcosm for soil-atmosphere gas transfer investigations. J. of Environ. Qual. 23: 469-476.
- Sheppard, M.I., Thibault, D.H., Smith, P.A. and J.L. Hawkins. 1994. Volatilization: A soil degassing coefficient for iodine. J. of Environ. Radioactivity 25: 189-203.
- *The wetland model for the assessment of Canada's nuclear fuel waste disposal concept.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1993. A clamp-column method to obtain particle size separates. Can. J. Soil Sci. 73:137-140.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1993. Soil ingestion and lead contamination: enrichment and bioavailability. Proc. 9th Intl. Conf. Heavy Metals in the Environ., Toronto, Sept. 1993, CEP Consultants Ltd., Edinburgh, Scotland, pages 289-292.
- Sheppard, S.C., Evenden, W.G. and B.D. Amiro. 1993. Investigation of the Soil-to-Plant Pathway for I, Br, Cl and F. J. of Environ. Radioactivity, 21: 9-32.
- Zach, R., Hawkins, J.L. and S.C. Sheppard. 1993. Effects of ionizing radiation on breeding swallows at current radiation protection standards. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 12:779-786.
- Sheppard, S.C., Evenden, W.G., Abboud, S.A. and M. Stephenson. 1993. A plant life-cycle bioassay for contaminated soil, with comparison to other bioassays: mercury and zinc. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 25:27-35.
- *The disposal of Canada's nuclear fuel waste: The biosphere model, BIOTRAC, for postclosure assessment.
- *Environmental transport of Carbon-14 through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum.
- Sheppard, M.I., Tarnocai, C. and D.H. Thibault. 1993. Sampling Organic Soils. Chapter 44. In: Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, Third Edition, M. Carter (Ed.). Canadian Society of Soil Science, 42: 423-439.
- Sheppard, M.I., Hawkins, J.L. and R. Aucoin. 1993. Performance of a soil model in predicting consequences of smelter emissions, including abatement scenarios. J. of Soil Contamination 2: 281-313.
- *The helium anomaly in soil gases at the Boggy Creek site, Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba.
- Gascoyne, M. and M.I. Sheppard. 1993. Evidence of terrestrial discharge of deep groundwater on the Canadian Shield from helium in soil gases. Environ. Sci. & Technol., 27, (12), 2420-2426.
- Davis, P.A., Sheppard, M.I. and T.H. Andres. 1993. A simple model to predict the long-term fate of contaminants in unsaturated soils. Waste Management 13: 25-40.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1993. Analysis strategy to measure soil load on plants. 3rd Soil and Sediment Contaminant Analysis Workshop, Aug 8-11, Winnipeg
- Sheppard, S.C. 1992. Summary of phytotoxic levels of soil arsenic. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 64:539-550.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1992. Concentration enrichment of sparingly soluble contaminants (U, Th and Pb) by erosion and by soil adhesion to plants and skin. Environ. Geochem. Health 14:121-131.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1992. Optimized design for earthworm survival tests in soil. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 49:648-655.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1992. Response of some vegetable crops to soil-applied halides. Can. J. Soil Sci. 72:555-567.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1992. Bioavailability indices for uranium: Effect of concentration in eleven soils. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 23:117-124.
- Sheppard, S.C., Evenden, W.G. and A.J. Anderson. 1992. Multiple assays of uranium toxicity in soil. Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual. 7:275-294.
- Sheppard, S.C., Ross, H.A. and J.L. Hawkins. 1992. Reciprocal transplant study of clones of strawberry proliferating in an irradiation field: Morphometrics. Environ. Exp. Botany 32:383-389.
- Sheppard, S.C., Thibault D.H. and J.R. Guthrie. 1992. Germination of seeds from an irradiated forest: Implications for waste disposal. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 23:320-327.
- Sheppard, S.C., Gaudet, C., Sheppard, M.I., Cureton, P.M. and M.P. Wong. 1992. The development of assessment and remediation guidelines for contaminated soils, a review of the science. (Invited review) Can. J. Soil Sci. 72:359-394.
- *Modelling Carbon-14 transport through the biosphere for Canada's nuclear fuel waste management program.
- Thibault, D.H. and M.I. Sheppard. 1992. A disposable system for soil pore-water extraction by centrifugation. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt Anal. 23: 1629-1641.
- Sheppard, M.I., Thibault, D.H. and P.A. Smith. 1992. Effect of extraction technique on soil pore-water chemistry. Canadian Soil Science Society Annual Conference, August 8-13, Edmonton, AB.
- Sheppard, M.I., Thibault, D.H. and P.A. Smith. 1992. Effect of extraction technique on soil pore-water chemistry. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 23: 1643-1662.
- Sheppard, M.I. and D.H. Thibault. 1992. Desorption and extraction of selected heavy metals from soils. Soil Sci. Soc. of Amer. J. 56: 415-423.
- Sheppard, M.I. and D.H. Thibault. 1992. Chemical behaviour of iodine in organic and mineral soils. Appl. Geochem. 7: 265-272.
- Sheppard, M.I. and J.L. Hawkins, J.L. 1992. Church roofs and smelters: Can we model soil contaminant migration? 5th International Conference - Environmental Contamination, Sept. 29-Oct. 1, Morges, Switzerland.
- *The soil submodel, SCEMR1, for the assessment of Canada's nuclear fuel waste management concept.
- Amiro, B.D., Sheppard M.I. and S.C. Sheppard. 1992. Environmental transport of Carbon-14 through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. Workshop on the Environmental Behaviour of Reactor Carbon-14. CANDU Owners Group and AECL Research, Ottawa, ON, November.
- Amiro, B.D., Zach, R., Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., Bird, G.A., Stephenson, M., Reid, J.A.K and P.A. Davis. 1992. Modelling Carbon-14 transport through the biosphere for Canada's nuclear fuel waste management program. Workshop on the Environmental Behaviour of Reactor Carbon-14. CANDU Owners Group and AECL Research, Ottawa, ON, November.
- Amiro, B.D., Zhuang, Y. and S.C. Sheppard. 1991. Relative importance of atmospheric and root uptake pathways for 14CO2 transfer from contaminated soil to plants. Health Phys. 61:825-829.
- Zach, R. and S.C. Sheppard. 1991. Food-chain and dose model, CALDOS, for assessing Canada's nuclear fuel waste management concept. Health Phys. 60:643-656.
- Sheppard, M.I., Sheppard, S.C. and B.D. Amiro. 1991. "Mobility and plant uptake of inorganic 14C and 14C-labelled PCB in soils of high and low retention", Health Phys. 61: 481-492.
- Sheppard, S.C. 1991. A field and literature survey, with interpretation, of elemental concentrations in blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium). Can. J. Botany 69:63-77.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1991. Can aquatic macrophytes mobilize technetium by oxidizing their rhizosphere? J. Environ. Qual. 20:738-744.
- Sheppard, S.C. and M.I. Sheppard. 1991. Lead in boreal soils and food plants. Water, Air and Soil Pollut. 57-58: 79-91.
- Zhuang, Y., Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I., Amiro, B.D. and F.L. Johnston. 1991. Meteorological factors affecting environmental radon measurements. Contract report for AECL Low-level Radioactive Waste Management Office, Ottawa. June.
- Sheppard, M.I. and W.J. Schwartz. 1991. A unique carbonate liberation soil technique for use with 14C labelled carbonate. Soil Sci. Soc. of Amer. J. 55: 279-282.
- Sheppard, M.I. and D.H. Thibault. 1991. A four-year mobility study of selected trace elements and heavy metals. J. of Environ. Qual. 20: 101-114.
- Sheppard, M.I. and J.L. Hawkins. 1991. A linear sorption/dynamic water flow model applied to the results of a four-year soil core study. Ecol. Modelling 55: 175-201.
- Sheppard, M.I. 1991. Radioactive Fallout in Soils, Crops and Food. In: J. of Environ. Qual. 20: 315.
- *Meteorological factors affecting environmental radon measurements.
- Amiro, B.D., Sheppard, S.C. and M.I. Sheppard. 1990. Iodine transport through the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. Proc. High Level Radioactive Waste Man. meeting, Las Vegas, April 1990, published by Amer. Nuclear Soc.
- Sheppard, S.C. and B.B. Chubey. 1990. Radiation hormesis of field-seeded broccoli, parsnip and cauliflower. Can. J. Plant Sci. 70:369-373.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1990. Characteristics of plant concentration ratios assessed in a 64-site field survey of 23 elements. J. Environ. Radioactivity 11:15-36.
- Sheppard, S.C. and W.G. Evenden. 1990. Leaching of radionuclides from decaying blueberry leaves: Relative rate independent of concentration. J. Environ. Qual. 19:464-469.
- Sheppard, S.C. and J.L. Hawkins. 1990. Radiation hormesis of seedlings and seeds, simply elusive or an artifact? Environ. Exp. Botany 30:17-25.
- Sheppard, S.C. and M.I. Sheppard. 1990. Lead in boreal soils and food plants. Proc. International Conference on Metals in Soils, Waters, Plants and Animals. Orlando, Florida. April 30-May 4, 1990.
- Sheppard, S.C., Sheppard, M.I. and W.G. Evenden. 1990. A novel method used to examine variation in Tc sorption among 34 soils, aerated and anoxic. J. of Environ. Radioactivity 11: 215-233.
- Sheppard, S.C., Tamm, J.A., and J.W. Barnard. 1990. A review and assessment of certain technical aspects related to establishing cleanup criteria for the Port Hope properties. Report to the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management Office, AECL report, TR-496.
- Sheppard, M.I., Sheppard, S.C., Amiro, B.D., Schwartz, W.J., Hawkins, J.L., and D.H. Thibault. 1990. Soil-to-plant transfer of carbon-14 for the environmental assessment of radioactive waste repositories. Electric Power Research Institute report, EPRI NP-6946.
- *Toxicity levels of arsenic and uranium in soils.
- Sheppard, M.I., Stephens, M.E. and P.A. Davis. 1990. A model to predict element redistribution in unsaturated soil: Its simplification and validation. Proc. Symposium and Workshop on the Validity of Environmental Transfer Models. Stockholm, Sweden. October 8-12, 1990.
- Sheppard, M.I. and D.H. Thibault. 1990. Default soil solid/liquid partition coefficients, Kds, for four major soil textures: A compendium. Health Phy. 59: 471-482.